How can you get involved?

If you have Maxilla memorabilia you would like to contribute, please upload images, documents and short video clips.

If you would like to be interviewed, please contact Lisa Nash on

What's a file request and how do we use them?

File requests allows this website to collect and receive files—big or small — from anyone, right into our Dropbox. File requests are ideal for receiving a large file or collection of files, collecting photos and requesting submissions.

Contributing your content

Please note, by uploading files via DropBox, you are giving us permission to use your content on the Maxilla Archive website. Please make sure you have permission from everyone in the photos you upload (some people may not want to have their image included on our website). Name and date you files so we know who is in the picture and when it was taken. This also relates to other documents you may upload.


Simple click this link to submit content to the project administrator:

Contact Lisa

If you have any questions about uploading memorabilia, please contact Lisa on

“The decision to move Maxilla [nursery] somewhere else made me angry, and want to fight for it…it was the first time in my life that I put lots of energy into a fight….Maxilla [was] really a big, big family…it has done such a good thing for so many people”

Ursula Laesser former parent 2011-2015
